"The Sanatorium" is a psychological thriller by Sarah Pearse that follows a young detective named Elin Warner as she investigates a disappearance at a remote hotel in the Swiss Alps. The hotel, once a luxurious sanatorium for tuberculosis patients, is now a desolate and abandoned place, surrounded by secrets and mystery. As Elin begins to unravel the truth behind the disappearance, she realizes that the secrets of the hotel and its past are more sinister than she could have imagined.
One of the key strengths of the novel is Pearse's atmospheric and suspenseful writing. The setting of the remote and eerie hotel, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, is the perfect backdrop for a psychological thriller, and the author does an excellent job of building tension and creating a sense of unease. The twists and turns of the plot are expertly executed, and the reader is kept on the edge of their seat until the very end.
Another standout aspect of the book is Pearse's portrayal of the protagonist, Elin. She is a strong, complex, and relatable character, who is driven by her sense of justice and her desire to uncover the truth. Through her journey, the reader is able to see the inner workings of her mind and the emotional toll that the investigation takes on her.
There are several powerful quotes throughout the book that capture its themes and the emotions of its characters, such as: "The truth was like a heavy weight, dragging me down," and "I was sure of one thing: I had to keep going, even if it meant facing my fears."
Overall, "The Sanatorium" is a gripping and suspenseful psychological thriller that will keep the reader hooked from start to finish. Pearse's atmospheric writing, her expertly executed plot twists, and her well-drawn characters make it a must-read for fans of the genre.
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