1. Check Emails, Manage mailbox

    Whenever you are bored you can declutter your mailbox, If you are not a working professional, you probably don't manage the mailbox often so once in a while you should check the mails, and delete unnecessary ones!

2. YouTube

    If you use YouTube often, you may have created a watch later playlist, see that playlist, or make one! watch downloaded videos, surf through what's new in your field!

3. Watch Ted-talk

    If you wanted to be successful in life you should learn from others, ted-talks are the best way to learn from the experience of others, watch it and make sure to take notes!

4. Write a blog

    As you can see, I'm writing this when I'm really bored, it's a fun way to do something productive and in my opinion, when you are bored you can think out of the box!

5. Read a blog/article 

    If you are too lazy to write something, read the blog and gain a different perspective and learn about something new!

6. Write a diary

    Honestly, this one you should do daily whether or not you feel bored, it's important to do journalling, you can maintain a diary for the to-do list, for important things to note, for writing how you feel and for writing gratitude.

7. Read a book

    This activity is to the best and you must have this in a daily to-do, reading a book daily can help you to gain a broader perspective, learn more about the universe, and for me reading book is fun, we can visit the imaginary new world without having worries about travel costs!

8. Declutter

    Organizing things whether it is your books, households or clothes or anything is a better way to keep your home clean and you can have peaceful vibes!

9. Sell old stuff

    After decluttering sell the waste and make money! or you can donate it too! the feeling of doing something for others is just best!

10. volunteer 

    Do volunteer work, see nearby if anyone wanted help, it's not necessary to volunteer in NGO or some community work only, help family and friends!

11. Plan future goals

    goals can be yearly, monthly, or even weekly, plan financial, personal, academic goals, and write steps for achieving those goals!

12. Revision

    If you are a student and you are bored from studying just skip this step! 

    You can revise what you learn over the past years, how much do you remember and you can make a quick note of it! brushing the concepts over a period of time is very important!

13. Backup the computer or phone

    It's important to have a backup in case of any failure of a computer or phone, so when you are extremely bored and don't have anything to do, just do backup!

14. Take one interesting extra course

    There are many courses available online that are only for 2-3 hours, take those courses to learn a new skill, if it's worthy enough, you can showcase that on your resume too! You can take a course in the field of your hobby it will make that course more interesting!

15. Watch movie/series

    Watch some movies that you wanted to watch for a long time, but you didn't have time! or make a playlist for all your favorite movies that you wanted to see, so next time when you get bored you can watch them!

16. Do meditation/ exercise

    It's extremely important to take care of your physical as well as mental health, do exercise or just relax and do meditation.

17. Gardening

    Plants are amazing friends, if you have them just feed them, or make one little garden of your own!

18. Spend time with family/friends

    In this fast going technological era, human connection is decreasing rapidly, be with your loved ones!




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